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      We’re an open platform where over 100 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface.

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      March 18, 2025 | Melbourne | Australia

      EV Charging 2025

      March 31, 2025 | Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park | Australia

      Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2025

      June 17, 2025 | Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre | Australia

      Australian Energy Week 2025

      September 9, 2025 | Sydney | Australia

      Women in Energy & Renewables Summit 2025

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      Australian Hydrogen Forum
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      Hydrogen — 2 mins read

      H2 in 2022 - Hydrogen in the home... but how?

      Welcome to the third episode of the mini-series on Australia’s hydrogen future!

      Podcast series-1We’re moving through the questions that need to be answered to secure Australia’s hydrogen future, and now it’s time to talk about hydrogen in the home.

      How, and when, can you expect to have a hydrogen-powered shower or stove top?

      The Australian Gas Infrastructure Group has set a bold vision to decarbonise their networks around Australia by 2040. So, how will they do it?

      On this episode, AGIG CEO Craig de Laine will lay out the plan for you, from the blending projects that are already underway, to the steps required to scale up.

      Thanks to our partner, Michelson Alexander for making this series possible.


      James Fitzpatrick and Elyse Gatt, Michelson Alexander

      Energy Monthly

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      March 18, 2025 | Melbourne | Australia

      EV Charging 2025

      March 31, 2025 | Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park | Australia

      Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2025

      June 17, 2025 | Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre | Australia

      Australian Energy Week 2025

      September 9, 2025 | Sydney | Australia

      Women in Energy & Renewables Summit 2025

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